Everyone wants to score high marks in their board exams. To achieve this, students study throughout the academic session with full dedication and work hard from their end to get a better result. But most of them end up scoring an average percentage. One major reason for this could be that students have not solved the previous years’ questions paper in a proper way or have not practised enough before the board exams. So, to help them, here we have provided some tips on how to practice the Maharashtra Board previous question papers to score maximum marks in the board exam.
The questions paper of Maharashtra Board are designed by subject professionals based on the latest syllabus. So, students without fail should solve these papers to gain confidence among themselves. Start practising the papers 4-5 months prior to the final exam so that you get enough time to improve your shortcomings. Try to solve at least 2-3 last year papers daily to work on your time management skill.
Tips to Solve the Previous Years Maharashtra Board Question Papers
Students must follow the tips mentioned below while practising the Maharashtra SSC Board question papers pdf. These tips will give a right direction to students and help them in solving sample questions and make their preparation better for the board exam.
Consider it as Actual Exam Paper
While solving the previous year question paper, students’ mindset should be in such a way that they are writing the actual board exam. If they are solving the Maharashtra Board Maths Question Paper, then they should consider themselves as they are solving the actual board paper. Then only, they will be able to reap the maximum benefit of solving the question paper.
Complete the paper in the allocated time Duration
Students must try to solve the paper in the mentioned time duration. If they are solving the previous year paper of any standard, then they must complete the paper in the specified time duration as provided in the paper. In case, students fail to do so; they need to speed up and work on their time management skills.
Do Not Cheat while Solving the Paper
Students should make sure that they do not cheat to themselves while solving the question paper. They should be honest to themselves and should not copy the exam while practising the previous year paper.
Self Evaluate the Paper
After attempting the paper, students must self evaluate their answer sheets. They should check their answers and identify the mistakes made by them. They should look at the questions in which they got stuck while solving the paper. Doing so will help in assessing their exam preparation. Also, they will get to know the loopholes in their exam preparation. By knowing them and working on the weak areas will improve the overall performance of the students in the board exam.
Find out the Mistakes and Work on Them
While solving the papers, students must have made some silly mistakes such as wrong calculation or have written the wrong formula etc. Many times these mistakes happen due to exam pressure or nervousness of the exam. Sometimes these also occur when students are in a hurry to finish the paper as they are left with less time. So, to avoid these mistakes to happen in the board exam, students need to evaluate their answer sheet carefully when they are practising the past years’ question paper. They should identify their small mistakes and should not repeat them while practising the next paper.
We hope students will find these tips helpful for solving the previous years Maharashtra Board papers. Other than previous year paper students can also practise from sample papers, exercise questions of textbooks such as Maharashtra State Board 11th books pdf, reference books, etc. Keep learning from your mistakes and work on them to improve overall performance in the Maharashtra board exam.